Quotes of Support
Members of the wider Jewish community who support our vision
Rabbi Rebecca Birk (Finchley Progressive Synagogue)
"I would love to be able to use Wellspring as a resource for the pastoral work in my rabbinate and look forward to a more creative and special place to mark moments with my congregants... I am waiting enthusiastically for the project to succeed, be built and be used."
Carrie Bornstein (CEO, Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters Community Mikveh and Education Center
“Watching Wellspring’s leadership move from vision towards reality has been inspiring, and it’s been a real joy to partner with them. The London Jewish community deserves an open, accessible, welcoming mikveh just as much as any other community, and we are honoured to be part of its creation.”
Dina Brawer (Founder, JOFA UK)
"A mikveh which is fully halachic at the same time as being fully open and inclusive is inspiring and exciting. Many of our stakeholders use the mikveh regularly and would love such a place to exist - free from judgement, expectation or the discomfort of being watched or questioned by an attendant. Others do not use the mikveh but would if Wellspring existed. We look forward to the centre opening."
Daniel Carmel Brown (Chief Executive of Jewish Care)
“We recognise what a significant support Wellspring will be for Jewish Care clients, their families and staff. Whether it is marking the different moments of loss that come with loving someone with dementia or supporting staff through the inevitable yet distressing deaths that are part of working in social care, Wellspring will provide the space and support to manage these moments.”
Michelle Janes (Co-Chief Executive Officer, JLC)
“British Jewry care for our elderly, our children with special needs, our adults with learning difficulties, we support the dying and those living with mental illness and provide the very best education from babies through to our old age. Now it is time to focus on our well-being. When the Jewish community pulls together to find answers in the face of adversity we do so in the most extraordinary of ways. I have no doubt that Wellspring will be another jewel in the crown of Anglo-Jewry and that we will see in this initiative the difference it makes when special provision is made to support people through all of the inevitable transitions and challenges of life.”
Lucy Marshall (Director of the Rising Tide Open Waters Mikveh Network)
“The Wellspring Project is not only contributing to the global open mikveh movement, it’s expanding the movement in deep, transformative ways. The Wellspring Project’s vision is inspiring, innovative, and possible. Communities around the world who know the value of inclusive, renewed ritual immersion are thrilled to support this project.”
Miriam Lorie (Semicha student at Yeshivat Mahara, Borehamwood Partnership Minyan)
"Mikveh is Judaism's answer to finding spiritual renewal in an embodied practice. Wellspring is needed to open the gates - the floodgates - of mikveh to all who want to embrace this beautiful mitzvah. It will provide a welcoming, inclusive face to mikveh and options for how to personalise it, whether for keeping niddah or marking a significant moment. It will be a fully kosher mikveh, just not as you've seen mikveh before. It will support mental health in our community, serving as a meeting place, healing place and hub. Our community needs Wellspring and can't wait for its doors to open."
Rabba Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz
"Mikva is Judaism's answer to finding spiritual renewal in an embodied practice. Wellspring is needed to open the gates - the floodgates - of mikva to all who want to embrace this beautiful mitzvah. It will provide a welcoming, inclusive face to mikva and options for how to personalise it, whether for keeping niddah or marking a significant moment. It will be a fully kosher mikva, just not as you've seen mikva before. It will support mental health in our community, serving as a meeting place, healing place and hub. Our community needs Wellspring and can't wait for its doors to open."
Rabbi Chaim Weiner (Av of Masorti Judaism Beit Din)
“The ritual of mikveh is such an important moment for those who have taken the long journey to convert to Judaism. We currently do not have premises which elevate this beautiful mitzvah and do our gerim a great disservice. I look forward to a time when our gerim, kallot and all those who wish to immerse can do so in an appropriate and halachik way.”
Charity Number: 1183111 (registered as the Mikveh Project UK)
Wellspring Project UK© 2024